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Home ISO 17020:2012 Certification

ISO 17020:2012 Accreditation of Inspection Bodies

On March 1st 2012 the new version of the ISO/IEC 17020 "Conformity assessment necessities for the operation of various types of body’s performing arts inspections" has been published. This ISO/IEC 17020: 2012 is the successor of the ISO/IEC 17020: 1998. The new standard is now available from the national standardization bodies.

This interactive and practical course is designed to introduce delegates to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17020:2012 and how it applies to organizations who perform examination activities.

ISO/IEC 17020:2012 is an accreditation, which is granted to the Inspection bodies by an ILAC / APLAC accepted accreditation body. It is an accreditation not certification like ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and other system certification. The examination body accreditation is the process by which an authoritative body gives a formal identification that an inspection body is competent and impartial to carry out the inspection service according to ISO/IEC 17020. The objective of ISO 17020 accreditation is to promise the customers of the quality of the inspection service of the inspection body as well as to avoid duplicate inspection which may be necessary on the clients.

Benefits of ISO 17020:2012

  • An ISO 17020:2012 accredited inspection body has a specific edge over competitors.
  • Improved level of motivation, co–operation, workmanship and quality alertness including competence,
  • Give tips on analysis of data as well as great record keeping.
  • Provide guidelines and better control for maintenance of tools, preservation of inspection records etc
  • Improved effectiveness, productivity and efficiency in the overall Inspection bodies operation,
  • Establish confidence of management and clients on results as well as reports and enhance client trust as well as market share.
  • Enlarge of confidence in Inspection data and of personnel performing work. Greater control of procedures and activities throughout Inspection bodies. Savings in terms of time and money due to reduction or removal of the need for re–inspection / re–work etc.,
  • Superior image of Inspection bodies as a Quality inspection bodies in international market.
  • International recognition and credibility

What are the requirements of ISO 17020 Accreditation standard ?

  • Administrative requirements
  • Requirements for independence, impartiality, and integrity
  • Confidentiality
  • Organization and management
  • Quality system
  • Personnel
  • Facilities and equipment
  • Inspection methods and procedures
  • Handling of inspection samples and items
  • Control of records
  • Inspection reports and inspection certificates
  • Subcontracting
  • Complaints and appeals
  • Cooperation with other inspection bodies

Get In Touch

Address:71-75,Shelton Street, Convent Garden, London, WC2H 9jQ

[email protected]

+44 020 67890

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